With this innovative design you’ll be able to watch it from ANYWHERE, even if you decide to build your system down in the garage, or outside. Speaking of outside, inside the Grass Generator you’re also going to be shown a brilliant and simple way to completely Weather-Proof your converter.
You’ll see how just adding two extra materials that cost about $7 combined… will make your Grass Generator completely IMMUNE to even the worst snowstorms, heat waves, or torrential downpours.
You’ll also be given video guides and written instructions detailing EXACTLY how to connect your system to your electric box, or gas supply…
So that within 15 minutes of finishing your system…
- You have a constant, non-stop stream of energy pumping through your home.
- All of the materials you need to build this will cost $200 TOTAL… But if you have a junkyard in your town, you can probably find about 90% of those materials for FREE.
- Additionally, you’re also going to be given a full list of organic, plant-based materials that can be used inside your generator…
This is why this product it’s a must have:
- It’s perfect for power emergencies. No more freezing in the winter when the power is off because of snow storms
- It is portable, meaning you can take it with you and use it for whatever you need
- You can basically install it anywhere you want.
- It is completely environmental friendly - no fumes are involved
- No fuel is necessary
You Can Have The
"Ebook & Video Guides"
Now For The Best Price Ever!
Only $25 (Regular price $69 $39)
Here is the undeniable proof that you can make it too:

With our 60 days money back guaranteed YOU RISK NOTHING!
You simply can’t walk away without having access to the GRASS GENERATOR.
If you REALLY want to benefit from this product, price shouldn’t be an issue.