Before Getting Into The Member's Area
I Want You To Take Advantage
Of This Last Minute Deal:
"Get Even More Energy, Even Faster"
Note: You Won't See This Special Offer Somewhere Else And You're Getting It Only Because You've Just Become A Select Member Of The "Solar Safe Program"
Once You are Done Reading This Page, You'll:
- know how to get even more energy for your house - stop paying the "monopolist tax" in form of electricity bills - be able to even sell the extra electricity you produce
- ... and all that with almost any work involved.
From: James Hall
Founder of Solar Safe

First and foremost I want to congratulate you on the vital decision of investing in Solar Safe.
You were very smart from a few reasons:
- This is probably the first product out there that is not BS... And that really can be done and make it work as described
- You're different than 97% of the people out there... From a single reason: you had the power to foresee what's important for you and your family.
Although your life will change dramatically after this investment... I want to be honest and tell you that only half of the battle is won.
How can you win the entire energy war? Simple... Read this short page until its end and take the right decision.
Here's what is all about:
It's vital to know how to reduce your electricity bills by at least 75% overnight... but the way I see it... the rest of the 25% that you still have to pay is still making you "connected" with the big energy fat cats.
Solving the above is simple...
Allow me to introduce you:
Power Outlet Independence !

Digital Product. Image For Visualization Purpose Only
This amazing guide will show you how to become energy independent in 15 days or less... With close to zero investment. Out of the hundreds of guides out there I picked this from a few reasons:
- I reviewed it myself, tested it, built it... And made it work... So you don't have to be the "testing lab rat". I did that job for you
- It's a video guide that will explain you from A to Z how to build your own unit in a few hours: No technical experience required whatsoever (In fact you can build it even faster if you don't know the difference between a screwdriver and a hammer)
- 894 people are already using it and they are very happy with the results.
Here are just a few letters from them:
"This device is simply amazing. I'm using it for my house, for my business... I think it's the best investment I've ever made in my life! Thanks a million."
Cliff Johnson, from Albuquerque, New Mexico
"Look, free energy devices are no big news for me. I've tried many, but Power Outlet Independence is the ONLY one that really got my motors running. I'm proud to say it only took me 2 and a half hours to build it."
Adrian Brown, from Little Rock, Arkansas
"Me and Lena, we're not young anymore and money is really short. I just can't thank you enough for this incredible machine. Since the day our 12 year old nephew helped us build it, the electric company has stopped ripping us off."
Harry and Lena, from Dayton, Ohio
I urge you to hit the add to my order button below, and upgrade your order with this insane deal.
Normally, this costs $97... but for you, only today, you can get it for $14.99
... and still you're protected by our "60 Days Money Back Guarantee" - No question asked whatsoever.
All you have to do is hit the "Add To My Order" button below... and you can have the "Power Outlet Independence" in a matter of minutes.
Very soon the check you'll be receiving from Energy fat cats will look like these:

Smart people are doing this every single day... And it's time for you to change the boat.
I'm confident that you can do it.
Hit the orange button below.
I'm going to pass on this one time chance to get the "Power Outlet Independence", even though I'm covered by the 60 Days Money Back Guarantee. I understand that I will never see this offer again, and if I do upgrade later, it will be for the full $97 retail price.