Hi, my name is James Hall.
And today you're going to learn how a simple and ingenious device saved 6 lives during a monstrous Wisconsin flash blizzard.

Now... I know you'll think you've heard this before...
But what I'm talking about it's not a "closely guarded secret" or an "unseen gadget" made by some "forgotten genius inventor"... It's actually something simple that thousands of people use... But in an inefficient and expensive way...
Plus, it's lightweight and portable, so you can take it with you, if God forbid, you ever have to leave the comfort of your home. Simply toss it in the trunk and hit the road.
And no... you won't need to take out another mortgage to get it. In fact, you can have your own up and running in under 4 hours, with just a handful of change!
A handful of change that will turn to "GOLD", the moment you plug it in! Whether you use it to cut down on bills, or have it as a backup generator, you'll be glad you have one!
It saved our lives during a freak blizzard! Six people are alive today thanks to this amazing device.
And you’ve probably seen on the news the raw fury Mother Nature unravels during the icy Wisconsin winters... Or perhaps you have lived through it yourself.

No matter how you look at it... It's not something you can take lightly. And almost always... catches you off-guard.
I've seen with my own eyes how a bright sunny sky darkens in mere moments... temperatures drop by 30, and 4 feet of snow render 21st century technology obsolete, plunging everyone back into the Dark Ages... In a matter of hours!
Because that's where we'd be without light...
and warmth. All the money in the world won't save you... Odds are, when disaster strikes, 99% you'll have to face it alone.
So, only one thing can make the difference between starvation and nourishment... between freezing and staying warm... between light and darkness… And that is BEING PREPARED.
Because no matter where you live... North, South, East or West... Mother Nature always has a trick up her sleeve that can flip your world upside down... tornados, hurricanes, blizzards, floods... you name it.

Imagine the toughest, coldest winter... 4 feet of snow stretching as far as your eyes can see. You get through it somehow... But when spring comes you won't be happy and joyful like you see in the movies... 'Cause all that snow will melt... and flash floods will be pounding on your doorstep!
You must be prepared at all times.
So I think it's time everybody started caring for themselves... And I'm not talking about massive stockpiles and mountains of supplies… Sure, that’s an option... But actually, all you need is a well equipped and stocked kitchen... a reliable heater or AC unit, and an off-grid POWER source.
So stick with me for a few moments and I'll reveal all the crucial details you need to know.
As I said, my name is James Hall,

I'm a 52 y.o. mechanic from Milwaukee... Happily married for 27 years and proud father of two wonderful daughters.

The story I'm about to share started 2 years ago on a brisk October afternoon... I was raking leaves in my backyard when I saw my wife slamming the back door and running towards me... I instantly knew something was wrong...

"Honey... Your father... he's dead..."
For a moment I was paralyzed... Stunned... It had to be a mistake... I had just spoken to him a few hours prior...
But tragically, it wasn’t a mistake... God, how I wish it was... He felt he couldn't breathe so he called the Ambulance... unlocked the door and lay on the bed waiting... And that's how they found him 40 minutes later... The paramedics tried their best but it was too late. He was pronounced dead on the spot.
We were all devastated... Yet we had to confront the reality and try and move on... What's worse, foreclosure notices started pouring in from the bank... We couldn't settle his debt... So we agreed on selling his cherished mountain cabin where he lived.
I talked to the girls and planned a last farewell trip to the cabin before selling it...
It was late November... but the sun was still a bit warm... So we didn't pack heavy clothes... After all, it was merely a weekend getaway.
We arrived in the evening... lit up the fireplace, made a few sandwiches and started talking... remembering all the beautiful times we had there... sadly thinking it was all over.

As the hours slipped by, we didn't notice that it had started snowing outside... When we eventually did... my first thought was... "we're stuck here"... But then again, it was only November. How hard can it possibly snow?
By 10 p.m. the ground was under 2 feet of snow... by 11:30 was 3 feet. And anxiety began to creep in... I had winter tires on my truck... But they were no match for this.
I checked the fridge and the kitchen... There was still some food left. We had enough fire wood for the night... The power was still on. So we thought we'll wait it out.
At 12:15 there was frantic knocking on the door. A man stood there, holding a boy in his arms... His cheeks were blue-ish... He wasn't moving... I rushed them inside near the fireplace, wrapped them in blankets and made hot tea.

After a few minutes the little boy started waking up. The man, Andy, explained that they had nearly frozen after their car got stuck in the snow. They actually lived not far from our cabin.
But it was so dark and the blizzard was so violent, they couldn't find their way home. After wandering for two hours in the white storm, he saw our lights... And realized they were saved.
He told us he hasn't seen any lights for miles. And that was odd... Because there were lots of cabins and houses nearby.
Three hours later we got an unexpected visit from one of our neighbors. He brought his family over after seeing we had electricity... Hoping we could charge his daughter's inhaler.
They told me the power was out since 9 pm... But we still had the lights on.
And then it struck me.
"We were the only ones with power"
... but why? and how?
I hadn’t done anything special... the wiring was the same... And we were connected to the same grid... Something must be powering up the house...
I searched the house... The rooms... the basement... Nothing.
Then I went and searched the shed... But found nothing except 6 dusty tool boxes and a ping-pong table...
It was cold... so I left it like that. Meanwhile, the little boy was joyfully back on his feet... And started playing with my daughters...
We all got through the night ok, a bit scared of what was going on outside, but safe and warm in my father's cozy cabin.
In the morning my curiosity got the better of me... Trying to figure out what kept the lights on. So I inspected the cabin and the shed again.
This time I noticed a flickering light inside one of the toolboxes... I opened it and realized what saved our lives: My father's preparedness like a helping hand beyond the grave...

A secret power bank.
Each and every toolbox was a power source of its own. 3 were depleted, 3 were at 80%. But what charged them?
I was puzzled by the ping pong table in the shed because I didn’t think my father played... And to my surprise, it wasn't a table at all... But a foldable array of compact solar panels unlike any I had seen before.

Well… I had enough time to study the contraption... Because snow plows were nowhere in sight. Actually, we had to venture out for water and firewood, in the afternoon. To be prepared just in case we had to spend another night there.
And we were right... No one showed up.
We still had power through the second night. Because that's what my father in all his years understood best.
You have to be prepared!
You have to be able to help yourself and those around you.
After the roads cleared and we got home, I started studying the plans for his solar panel system. His design was all over the place, but what I discovered, when it finally made sense to me, was my dad's trick.
He made it compact, but powerful enough to keep the lights on through the night.
That was the lifesaver!
Anyone can get solar panels up on the house or in their yard... But how long does a single charge last?... how much does a normal system cost?... Not to mention maintenance, snow, and all the space they take... Or even worse, putting your health and safety at risk by hanging them on the house and climbing up there to clean them. It's a nightmare when winter comes... High winds... Or when a sudden hail storm hits.
That's where my father changed the rules of the game.
It took me almost a year to piece everything together and build a system for my house... Which is only 1,500 sq ft... I never thought I’d go solar, but with my father's "help" I managed to do it in just 20 sq ft. And if I need the extra space, I just fold the system and put it in the garage. No worries... No headaches...
It cost me a little over $200 ($204.68 to be more precise) to build the first unit. And used it to power up my garage, and tools... And to my surprise, it reflected directly into the bill... 38% off in the first month. And almost 60% in the second month.
I was hyped! So I did my best to cut even more... But on the scale I build it... Just wasn't possible. As I said... This is not a BS conspiracy cloaked device. There are limits.
Now let me tell you what this is all about... And how it can change YOUR life..
This brilliant solution can work anywhere to power radios... TVs, computers, and even small fridges...
It’s perfect to use in any situation... especially in disaster situations when all the power lines are down and you need to preserve food or cook… (as I mentioned, six people survived thanks to this).
It won't take half the yard to assemble... Only a few sq ft... and you can just fold the panels and put them in the garage whenever you want.
... and you can find parts at any local shop or online... Not only that... but the batteries don't have to be new. My father bought six used batteries from a garage sale for almost nothing.
But there’s a catch... The internet is flooded with solar panel DIY guides... But they require a minimum investment of $2000. And that's a lot of money. But no one will teach you how to do it for under $200... Not because they don't want to... but because they just don't know.
But my father found a way to cut the price down.
He got his idea from the most common battery we all use... one that lasts 5-8 years and is recharged thousands of times... no matter how cold or hot it gets outside...
The car battery.

It's simple to find used ones... In fact... you may have a couple yourself laying around the garage... It has easy maintenance... revives after total drain and has enough amps to weld iron.
And with a well tuned charge controller... It will never let you down.
And apart from taking the panels out once in a while to charge them... they won't need any maintenance... for at least five years.
The good news is that there’s absolutely no risk with this system. Anyone can have their own money-saving device properly installed in under 4 hours... and it can cut your electricity bill by 60%, starting today...
This clever system can be made for under $200... and as I mentioned, you can find most of the components at any local store, garage, or online.
And if you follow the videos I’ve prepared for you, which show exactly how to build this amazing device... even your kid can build one by day’s end.
You don’t need to be an electrician... heck you don’t even need energy knowledge.
But there’s a catch, here, too...
Everything that you’re about to learn today about building your own device is dumb simple... but ONLY if you know how to do it right.
As I said... It took me almost a year to understand my father's design... and develop a simplified way to build the system... My father figured it out through trial and error... So you can imagine how his plans looked like.
But after all the hard work...
The “Solar Safe” was born...

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Once you have the “Solar Safe” installed in your home you’ll instantly be able to ...
Save up to 60% on electricity without spending months building 1000 sq ft of solar panels, risking yourself by placing them on the roof, and spending thousands of dollars in the process.
You’ll be able to take this little device anywhere. It’s so small that it fits in your trunk for camping trips... One battery charge will give you 18-20 hours of green electricity... works everywhere... even when it's cloudy.
You’ll be able to power household appliances ... from lamps and toasters, to TVs... anytime...anywhere... without spending a fortune.
... you’ll still be able to have enough electricity for cooking and preserving your food, if God Forbid, something were to happen...
... this little device is very light and portable...
There’s no maintenance whatsoever... maybe just cleaning the panels and removing dust from the boxes every 6 months.... It’s quiet, easy to hide from a nosy neighbor or from looters during emergencies.
It saved my life and the ones around me during that dreaded Wisconsin blizzard. Andy, who still visits us frequently with his son, also built a unit a couple of months ago. He called me happy as a clam to tell me all about his green backup power supply. 🙂
More and more people are discovering the joy and peace that comes with portable solar power.
Plus, why shouldn’t you take advantage of this... since it takes less than $200 to have your own portable powerplant ready... and have it up and running in under 4 hours... especially when you have the complete videos that will guide you how to build your own unit... quick and safely. (That’s right! I’m about to share all the videos where I’ll teach you how to build your own unit by the end of the day...)
There are no headaches about clouds... bird droppings... noise... or any other worries.
And the easy to use, "Solar Safe" system can provide you with another huge advantage. It gives you crucial time to do more important things if a crisis strikes. Your "miniature power plant" takes care of itself. So you'll have more time to protect your family.
So, if you want a dumb-simple, safe device that;s easy to to build, with materials that you can find anywhere... even if you’re not an electrician... A silent device that you won’t even hear running... and that is practical and efficient with almost ZERO maintenance... That will reduce your electricity bill by up to 60%... Now is the perfect time.
It's a step by step, newbie friendly program that will take you by the hand... and turn the lights on in as little as 4 hours from now... so you can slash your power bill, without investing thousands of dollars in overpriced monopoly-controlled systems.
But most of all, it will give you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, should anything happen... from a mere broken power line, to a nationwide blackout... or worse...
... your family won't be at the mercy of others!
The "Solar Safe" program is jam-packed with all the knowledge you need to have super-success with solar energy - not in years of trial & error, but in as little as a day!

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So here’s the deal:
The Solar Safe is available digitally, as videos that you can watch, re-watch, or download as many times as you like...
You could be re-watching them just 5 minutes from now… I’m very serious about this...
But to sweeten the deal, I'll also add 3 exclusive bonuses to the mix.
First, you will get the "EMP Safe Guard".
It's a special report that puts "Solar Safe" on over-drive, and turns it into a EMP proof power source for any impending emergency!

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Second, you will get the "Solar Safe Power Reserve"
This radical report will help you store the excess power the Solar Safe system will be putting out. So none of that valuable power juice goes to waste. You will find out what are the best methods to do so, and what types of batteries to use...

Digital product. Image for visualization purpose only.
And third, you will get "Smart Secrets: Nature’s Energy Sources"
This special report lists the absolute essentials... that many so-called energy enthusiasts never even consider... and you'll get it for free, when you test the Solar Safe.

Digital product. Image for visualization purpose only.
But before I tell you how you can do that...
How much is it worth to you to cut 60% on your electricity bills? Money that otherwise would be headed down that Spartan bottomless pit the power execs call their pockets...
And how much is it worth it to you to know your family will have the lights on, no matter what might be heading our way.
If this power system helps you plug the deadly leaks in your bank account... if it finally gives you the peace of mind you deserve, knowing that you'll have the lights one if a blackout strikes... how much would that be worth?
"Solar Safe" was born from the idea that "green energy" should be something everyone can afford.
So I’m going to set the price of Solar Safe at just $39.
But the only way to secure your spot in the program is to click the Order Now button below.

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Only $39
And really... the price doesn't even matter.
That’s because you’re covered by my “Ironclad No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee” for 60 full days.

Get your copy now. Try it out for a full 60 days. And if for some reason you're not satisfied... Just write me a few lines on your private support page... And I'll refund you even if it's the 24th hour of the 60th day.
But because you're getting here early, if you act right now, I'll let you have the Solar Safe vide guides and blueprints, PLUS the three bonuses, PLUS the List of tools and supplies for only $39 . . .
Getting the videos and blueprints for the Solar Safe is easy. Just click the big, shiny, “Order Now” button that just appeared below.
...and you’ll be taken to our secure order page.

Digital product. Image for visualization purpose only.
Only $39
It’s simple:
Get the blueprints today… and put them to the test. See how easy it is to make your own electricity with the Solar Safe. And see what it’s like to slash your power bill by 30%... 50% or more… by the end of the month.
You have 60 days to decide whether this was a good investment or not. And if you’re less than thrilled with how much you’re saving on electricity, as I said, just write me a short email at the address you’ll find in the Members Area. I’ll give you an immediate refund – NO Questions Asked.
Right now, you`re at a crossroads that`s going to improve not just your bank account but your happiness, your security and safety of your family for years to come.
And the way I see it, three paths lie ahead of you.
The first thing is do what most people do: take no action, do nothing.
...constantly worrying about every last watt of power…
Keep contributing to the PROBLEM… gobbling up our natural resources and keeping us addicted to foreign sources of electricity.
Of course, there's a second path - and that is, to take what you`'ve learned today and try to “figure out” your own system for creating back up power for your home.
Honestly? You can try this. But would you rather reinvent the wheel every time you leave the house, or would you rather just climb into your car and get where you`re going?
It took me a lot of time, effort, energy and work to put together the Solar Safe, to test it and to make sure that even “non-technical” folks like my brother could follow it and use it…
And it's WAY too easy to mess this up (and spend a lot of money) while you`re experimenting… Buy the wrong kind of cell or batteries… forget something… and you`ll end up with a really fancy lawn ornament that does not generate a single watt.
But if you really want to be prepared, then you should seriously consider path #3:
Click the yellow “Order Now” button that you see below.
You`ll be brought right to our secure order page and will be able to grab your copy of the Solar Safe, and all the bonuses, at a whopping discount right away.
So you need to act fast if you don't want to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime!
Click the Order Now button below.

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We have done everything that is currently possible to ensure that your information is safe from the beginning to the end, and we thank you for your confidence in us.
So don’t wait any longer. Click the shiny Buy Now button below!